Indian Institute of Information Technology, Lucknow
भारतीय सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान, लखनऊ
(An Institute of National Importance by the Act of Parliament)

B.Tech (IT)

B.Tech (IT)

Invitation for Orientation Programme of B.Tech 1st year(IT & CS)

Information for B.Tech freshers 2024

Physical Reporting dates for B.Tech as follows:
  • 22nd Aug. 2024 – B.Tech(IT-60 students) + B.Tech(CSB-first 20 students)


Admissions to the four year B.Tech. Program in IT branch of the Institute is made through Central Seat Allocation Board 2021  (CSAB-2021). Based upon the merit in JEE (Mains).

The Institute is open to all races, creeds and classes including persons of either sex (including transgender). As Central Education Institution IIIT follows the Central Educational Institutions (Reservation in Admission) Act, 2006.

Seat Matrix
Pool of Electives

1.  E-Business
2. Data Mining and Warehousing
3. Machine Learning
4. Deep Learning
5. Cryptography & Network Security
6. Big Data Analytics
7. Complex Analysis & Integral Transforms
8. Convex Optimization

9.  Intelligent Agents and Planning
10. Information Security
11. Internet of Things
12. Blockchain & Cryptocurrency
13. Soft Computing
14. Kubernetes
15. MongoDB
16. Organizational Behaviour

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