Indian Institute of Information Technology, Lucknow
भारतीय सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान, लखनऊ
(An Institute of National Importance by the Act of Parliament)

B.Tech (Computer Science & Business)

B.Tech (Computer Science & Business)

Invitation for Orientation Programme of B.Tech 1st year(CSB & CSAI)

Information for B.Tech freshers 2024

 Physical Reporting dates for B.Tech as follows:

  • 22nd Aug. 2024 – B.Tech(IT-60 students) + B.Tech(CSB-first 20 students)
  • 23rd Aug 2024 – B.Tech(CS-60 students) + B.Tech(CSB-second 20 students)
  • 24th Aug 2024- B.Tech(CSAI- 60 students) + B.Tech(CSB-last 20 students)

B.Tech in Computer Science and Business is a professional discipline which offers an amalgamation of both technology and management in a single program. As the boundaries between the two fields have started to dissolve, this program focuses on equipping students with evolving technology as well as business skills. In this program the students will learn subjects of Computer Science such as Programming, Algorithm, System Design, Data Structure, Competitive Coding, Database Management System, Operating System, Software Engineering and emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. The Business Management courses include Professional Communication, Fintech, Digital Marketing, Design Thinking, E- Business, Economics and more.

The program focuses on enabling students to comprehend how technological transformation is intertwined with business management. This program will provide a deep understanding of Computer Science by developing problem solving and mathematical skills. The business courses will help them build upon their management skills and enhance their understanding of business. This will broaden the scope of knowledge application in both the fields of Computer Science and Business and prepare the students to face the challenges of future.

Seat Matrix

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